Monday, November 23, 2009

The Advice of Experts

On the quest to build a bike, I have decided to engade experts. The alternative was to spend some time reading the internet to understand what the tradeoffs are in picking parts, and then eventually just buying whatever was close to my budget. It works, but it could be better. I think that I am looking for a bike that is better than the sum of its parts. Hopefully the experts can guide me to pieces that are best for me.

I contacted a bike fitter, and started discussing what my options are as far as fitting the bike. This gives me a better idea what to look for as far as getting bars, cranks, gearing, seat. This should make the fitting easier to do.

Now, I really should have talked to a bike fitter first. But at least I found out that I am not so far off on frame size, which is good.

I also contacted a friend/aqauintance/FOAF/second cousin-in-law/smart guy who is into building bikes, and he is willing to answer any techy bike building questions.

Between the two, I should be able to find the parts that have the best fit to me, and still within my budget. As you well know, you can put a stupid amount of money into parts. This project is to get as much good ride out of what I have for budget, and find the best trade-offs. Treat it like engineering, where you are solving the problem at the lowest cost. No shimano DI2, that costs much more than remaining budget.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

hehehe, let the bike building begin.

I have been thinking about getting a Tri bike for next season, and started thinking this week that I should be looking at fall sales, as the new models come in. My bud Rob pointed me to a frame that was available at the bike shop, and on sale as well.

Its Sexy.

Its a Specialized Transition Pro, which I acquired for $900 off list. I did ask if they were willing to move any more on the price, and the young lad did check, but informed me that it was priced pretty much at their cost, so they couldn't really move much. Thats OK, I think it was a great deal at the price I got it for. And there is something to be said for supporting the local bike shops, and not buying everything off the internet. Of course, if they sold it at their cost, I don't know how much help I am giving them. Well, cashflow at the very least.

Now I have a ton (tonne?) of research to do for the rest of the parts. Suggestions that I have had so far are:

Shimano Ultregra groupo
SRAM Red groupo

Need wheels, handlebars and seat as well.

Let the research begin!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Just having fun being a big kid...

My training buddy Rob put it very sucinctly the other night.

"This is the best way to spend your time. I am splashing in the pool with my friends, sometime soon we are gonna go ride our bikes around the neighborhood, and then we are going running around the park".

Perhaps this is the real attraction of Triathlon. You get to do all those things you loved to do as a kid, and spend time hanging around with your friends, enjoying being outside in the sun, and just plain having fun.

Yeah, I think I like this sport.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Racing season is sort-of over, time for winter training.

OK, I have been away for a while. Don't quite know why, but time to start talking about training again.

I qualified for Boston at the Calgary Marathon on May 31. 3:28:14. Awesome run, awesome race. Have to write up a race report.

My next years schedule is already filling up. I have Boston - Apr19, Calgary May 31, lethbridge sprint tri - Splash, Peddle, Gasp, Mothers day, Chinook half Ironman (olympic distance) June 24ish, 24 hours of adrenaline, July 25, Viterra Ironman 70.3 Calgary - Aug1. This is a busy schedule.

So I have started training again, and trying to get serious about it. Perhaps I should talk about getting serious for racing, and serious about training, and all the while, have fun doing it.

Sounds like fun.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Training plan for the week of May 4

Hey Hey, we are in May! There is only 4 weeks to go to the marathon, so our schedule will be three more weeks of ramping up the distance, then doing a 1 weekish Power-Taper to be ready for raceday. The only complication this week is the Lethbridge Sprint triathlon on May 10 (Sunday), so I will need to do some kind of mini-taper before it arrives.

Monday: Triathlon Resistance - 1 Hr
:Swim 30 minutes

Tuesday: Tempo Tuesday! - 8K of tempoing
Swim - 30-45 minutes, at Talisman center in the 50M pool

Wednesday: Triathlon resistance - 1 Hr
:Milers on the Shaganappi hill. We have to run this hill in the race, so lets go train on it. 8x1m@T - one mile up the hill, one mile back down perhaps.

Thursday: 10K of recovery run, so easyish
: Swim Lesson - 30 Minutes

Friday: Nothing at all for lunch - have a business presentation that goes to noon anyway
: Swimming with Helen - 30 minutes

Saturday: Cycle 1 hour

Sunday: 500m of swimming, 20K on the bike, 5K run - 1:20 of intense effort

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday, and swimming lessons

Had another swimming lesson today, and it was interesting. Lea? Leigh? was my instructor, and we had no set thing that we were going to work on. I started out by doing a few lengths and letting her critique my technique, so to speak. On the first few, she commented that I needed to keep my elbows higher, but other than that, said my technique was excellent. My kick is still weak, so that my bum is still low in the water, and therefore dragging too much.

We did a count of how many strokes it take me to get from one end to the other, and it takes 30 strokes. She wanted to work on improving that, thinking that 20 strokes to cross 25 meters would be a good target. It would require a really long stretch, and good pull and good technique, and therefore a good target.

We worked a bit on my technique for breast stroke. If I remember, when I first did it, I had absolutely no coordination, and was floundering immediately. Now, I get good propulsion on the kick, she said my head level in the water was just about perfect, only thing that I might do is take some extra time in the glide. I did find that when I am gliding in the breast stroke, I am really straining in my legs to stretch out as much as possible, and my quads were almost done after a few lengths. This is weird, as there is lots of time to relax in there, and therefore, the quads should not be burning at all. Another thing to work on, spending more time in the glide, and relaxing the legs so that this is an easy stroke.

All in all, a good lesson. I first got in the pool in mid february. In just shy of three months, I have huge improvement, so this swimming thing just might be doable. Still searching for my rhythm though, but it feels like its really close now. Practice makes perfect, and thats it what the next few days will bring, more practice.

Time for more sleep. Seems thats the one part of the training that I am not paying attention to, and we should talk further about this topic...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vive la Resistance! Wednesdays workout

Resistance training today. Lindsay has been reading the instruction manuals again. Ended up by myself, with my training partner recommending to her that 'she go really hard on me, since I was by myself'.

First Grouping:
  • 3 sets of 20 chest press using the long straps on the weight cage, You lean forward at about a 45 degree angle, and they end up kinda like pushups. You can adjust the difficulty by how far back you place your feet. We ended up going farther back each set.
  • 3 sets of 30 pullups using the straps. These are somewhat like body rows, knees bent, leaning back, and pull upwards.
  • Deadlifts - 45 lb bar, with 15lb on each side (75 lbs total).
  • One legged squats to the bench. On one foot, other extended forward, lower bum to the bench and up. Knee does not go over toe, so that you are extending bum outward as you lower.
Second grouping, we mized it up a bit more to allow for recovery time of the muscles:
  • Planks on the BOSU, holding for 2 minutes the first time, then 90 seconds after. Did the roll to the side, and raise one arm after 80 seconds of holding.
  • Shoulder press, 1 set with 15lb bells (15 reps), then 2 more sets with 17.5 lbs, only made it to 12 each time.
  • Lat pulldowns. First set of 15 with 85lbs, then adjusted form so that I was pulling bar all the way down to chest, 2 sets at 70lbs (15 reps)
  • Did one set up hip work, where you start hands on floor, one foot outside hands, other foot extended backwards. Now switch, jumping to new position. Again. for a count of 20.
  • Back extensions on the BOSU. You lay across the bosu, and raise your upper body as high as you can, then lower. Do that 15 times.

Then lots of stretching, working the hips to stretch them out. Good workout!

Evening run, got together with Geoff, and we did our 10K of fartleks. We picked up another runner, Sandy, who is also training for marathons. it was good, called three or 4 farts, mixed it up a bit, threw in some strides, multi-gear shift up and downs.

We also met up with Ken Hill, he of the six-in-sixty fame ( He will be running Calgary as well, and was just back from Boston. For a now 61 year old guy, he is amazing, and I hope to be running marathons that fast in another 16 years as well.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday Training

Ahh, plans meet the wall of reality. I only swam today at lunch, as I was still feeling really tired, and an all over tired kinda lethargy. Thinking that this is a sign, and realizing that good workouts don't often happen when you are tired, I cut back today, and only swam.

With this swimming thing, I feel like I almost have it. The new form is starting to feel natural, breathing to the left side is almost easier than the right side, hands close, elbows high, shoulder blades squeezed. There is a lot to think about. Oh yeah, and think about your breathing. Or don't think about your breathing. Now if only I could stop thinking that I will run out of air soon.

Perhaps I need to stop thinking that swimming should be easy, say that it is a hard workout, and treat it like pushing through any other kind of hard workout, and get er done. and maybe over time, what is now a hard workout will become next years good workout and the following years easy workout, much like has happened with running.

At least I hope so.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Training - Apr 27


Pushups on the balance board, the new funky one, got 2 sets of 20 done, and 1 of 16.

Hamstring curls on the machine.
Adductor exercises, where you hold a medicine ball between your knees while raising your bum
Rotator cuff, internal and external rotation.

Lunges around the track, and hopping down the track as well

Rob said his legs were really sore, and mine were a touch weak as well. so she really did go easy on us.

Swimming - I just feel like I am so close to getting it, but not quite. Lots of practice with Pull-buoy, did a few lengths of kick work on my back, but not much more. Goal for tomorrow is to apply some brute force and ignorance to the problem. Lets gut out several lengths in a row, breath every second stroke if necessary, but keep pushing it until you find a rhythm.... Or drown!

Training Schedule for week of April 27, 2009

Monday: Triathlon Resistance - 1 Hr
:Swim 30 minutes

Tuesday: Swim 45 Minutes
Cycle easy after work, machines at the YMCA

Wednesday: Triathlon resistance - 1 Hr
:Fartleks for Fun - 1 hr

Thursday: Nothing for Lunch, Nothing at all HAHAHAHAH
: Swim Lesson - 30 Minutes

Friday: Fartlek Fridays - 1 Hr
: Easy Cycle in the evening? - Depending on Weather - 1 Hr

Saturday: Swim with Helen - 1 Hr
: Cycle 2 hours

Sunday: 26K LSD - 2.5 hours

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, and the Police Half

What a race, and what a training run!

I started at 6:52 am, leaving my front door on my run. I calculated that it was almost exactly 10K from my front door to the starting line, so I did an easy run there. Took about 1 hour, which was the pace that I want to run it at. However, once I got there, I planned to find a bathroom, and eat a gel. That was all I planned, and it was ultimately my downfall.

I arrived on time, found and empty bathroom, found the start line, and had my gel (which I almost choked on because Rob found me and patted me on the back as I was about to swallow). Also found Helen at the start line, which was kinda cool too. But what I did not do was any kind of stretching. Well, about halfway (or less) into the race, my legs just ached, and even advil did not help. It was impossible to accelerate, and just keeping a 5:00 ish pace was tough.

I finished in 1:50. Geoff finished in 1:44 and change, and he felt it was a really tough race as well, lots of hills and such.

On one hand, this does not bode well for the marathon, if I cant even hold last years race pace. On the other hand, I recovered quickly, and I have never done this half marathon race well, particularly when using it as training for a marathon. So, shake it off, treat it as a good training run, and be done with it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, Apr 24

Lunchtime run, ran 8K at race pace. Amazingly enough, got it done, 38:01 for my 8k.

It was tough, and I just kept telling myself, just one more K, then once I got it done, I would say, ok, you got that done, now do just one more. Soon it as the last one, and it was done!

So this race pace is doable. For 8K anyways. Lets see what happens on sunday

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, Apr 23

Swim lesson in the evening, and it was kewl. New thinkgs to think about, and sean jumped in the pool to demo. what an amazingly smooth swimmer.

I made a ton of notes, and I will have to update here later. Main things to think about. Pinch the shoulder blades, so the chest sticks out. This is good posture when you are standing, and its good posture when you are swimming too.

Keep the elbows high, makes all the mechanics of the stroke work properly.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, Apr 22

We commented that Lindsay must have been reading the instruction manuals for the machines, because we got to use new parts, to do nasty things like hamstring curls and reverse crunches (where your feet are suspended in straps, facedown in a plank position, and you pull your knees up). Great workout again.

For our run in the evening, we did fartleks in the snow! It was coming down by the time we were going to start, and I noted that the 50 person strong crowd of 5K clinic runners had dwindled to about 5 people. We did our usual 10K route, and did a few fartleks once we got out to where the snow was not quite so nasty and slippery. My legs felt quite tired, so not so many fartleks, but the ones we did were good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Apr 21

I went out at lunch and ground out 10 repeats of 800M at Repeat pace, which is 4:16ish/Km, or about 3:20 for the 800 meters. It turns out that these intervals have a nickname, Yasso 800s, named after Bart Yasso, who is a senior editor for Runners World Magazine. The theory is that you do your intervals at a pace parallel to your marathon pace. In my case, for a 3:20 marathon, run your 800s in 3:20.

I got 10 of them done, and much like doing milers, the first ones feel good, the middle ones suck and then the last really feel like work. And they really felt like work.

The evening swim felt really good, like all the instruction was starting to click. Still using the pull buoy, but my form is improving.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday Apr 20

Resistance Training today, and Rob is back!!!! OK, thought that it was going to be easier, because there would be two of us to pick on, but it turns out that Lindsay just gets more efficient.

We did lunges, and I got to carry weights (20 lb dumbells) while doing lunges around the track, about 30 or so with each leg. What a burn! We also tried out the new standing handstring curl machine, and did calf raises on another. The new weight area was now open, so we got to try out the new machines, and I have to say that it is a very nice setup.

Swimming workout was good, spent lots of time working on form with the pull buoy, as my legs were totally trashed from the workout. So many things to remember.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Training schedule for the week of April 20, 2009

Based on the previous week. Again, no recovery day this week, and 3 days in a row of double workouts. But thursday, friday and saturday are easier days, leading up to a significant worout on sunday :-). PS. My friends think I am nuts. And they think that I am doing a hard workout on sunday too.

Monday: Triathlon Resistance - 1 Hr
:Swim 45 minutes

Tuesday: Intervals at I pace (4:16/km) 10X800M w/ 90 seconds recovery - 1Hr
:Swim 45 Minutes

Wednesday: Triathlon resistance - 1 Hr
:Fartleks for Fun - 1 hr

Thursday: Greasy Noodles at Gee Gong
: Swim Lesson - 30 Minutes

Friday: Fartlek Fridays - 1 Hr
: Easy Cycle in the evening? - Depending on Weather - 1 Hr

Saturday: Swim with Helen - 1 Hr
: Cycle 2 hours

Sunday: 10K easy, followed by 21.1K at Marathon Race Pace - 4:44/Km - 3 Hrs

Projected Total - 14 Hrs

Sunday Training

Long Run Sunday with a Twist - 5K at race pace to finish it off. We had a nice sunday run, good group at the glenmore running room. Went the south route into fish creek, so nice for a change. On the way back, we (this being Geoff, Shawn and Myself) were going to run the last 5K at race pace. We had to sustain a 4:44 pace, and I did OK. The 4th Kilometer sucked, only managed a 4:52 pace, but other than that, I kept better than that pace, so it bodes well for race day.

Of course, the next weekend, I plan to run a 10K warmup before running the Police Half marathon. Is this crazy? well, we will see...

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Training

Recovery Run - Did 8K, with a couple of stretching breaks. Forgot my garmin, so it really was a run-how-you-feel run. Nice for a change, and felt good too.

Swimming Lesson - Thing of Beauty. Shawn was my instructor, and he was good. Gave me so many things to think about.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday Training

Tuesday became a swimming day only. I did lots of kick drills, and its coming along slowly. I had too many times where I get moving slower and slower, still kicking hard, and yet not making any forward movement. I did 22 laps total, so this is coming along well. Beat by the evening, so the run didn't happen. I did take the dog for a 5K walk (with a little running... he really wanted to run).

Triathlon resistance training, worked hard, sweated like a bugger, but it was all good.

Geoff and I did 10 hills, and it was different, because we (and helen) were the only people running hills tonight. We got them done, at a good pace, all faster than our baseline, including a wickedly fast last hill, 10 seconds faster than our base.

There will be no problem sleeping tonight.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Training

Resistance training was interesting. My legs were still feeling trashed, and there was no running happening on the way to the YMCA. Chelsea was my trainer for today, and I requested upper body and core only. Her response: "Only half the workout was legs, so that would be OK". Yikes!

Got it done, was good, and the legs felt better afterwards. Got to learn a couple of new sets. Sideways hop onto a BOSU, and push off (3 of 15 each side), and a new flavour of Inchworm. You hold onto two towels, slide forward to plank, and then walk your feet forward to the inchworm position. Take that all the way across the studio. Last set, I actually did two small hops, which made it a bit easier, didn't have to have a break in the middle, but I was still done at the end.

The swim never happened, which was OK too. I needed the rest....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Training schedule for the week of April 13, 2009

After laying this out, I see that there is no recovery day this week. Monday will have to be considered recovery day, as I am not running, only cross training.

Monday: Triathlon Resistance - 1 Hr
:Swim 45 minutes

Tuesday: Intervals at I pace (4:16/km) 10X800M w/ 60 seconds recovery - 1Hr
:Swim 45 Minutes

Wednesday: Triathlon resistance - 1 Hr
:Hills x 10

Thursday: 10K recovery run (easy) - 1 Hr
: Swim Lesson - 30 Minutes

Friday: Fartlek Fridays - 1 Hr
: Easy Cycle in the evening - 1 Hr

Saturday: Swim with Helen - 1 Hr
: Cycle 2 hours

Sunday: 23K LSD - 2.5 Hrs

Projected Total - 15 Hrs

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Training schedule for the week of April 6, 2009

Monday: Triathlon resistance training at the YMCA
Good hard workout, found out that my left leg is somewhat weaker than the right, but it was a really good workout.

Tuesday: Noon Swim - Using swim buoy for at least 1/2 my laps, specifically practice bilateral breathing + Roll + controlled breathing/effort
:Evening Run 8K tempo
Swim was good. With the pull buoy, it is really easy to swim, and you float up into the right position. Rob tells me that the wetsuit gives you about the same floatation.

The run was really good, and I added another 4k to the run to take the dog out. He is just back from the kennel, and was quite tuckered out, so we are trying to keep that up. He wanted to run, so we ran fairly hard for 4 more Kms, giving me 12K for the day.

Wednesday: Noon Resistance Training
:Evening 8-9 hills

Another good hard workout in the Gym, and I was sweating like crazy through it all.
The Hills ended up being for 9 hills. We set a good hard pace of 1:21 for the first hill, and proceeded to beat that every time after that. The next two were 1:14, which was crazy hard. We did the afterburners as well, where you sprint all out for the last 50 meters of the hill. Everyone else doing hills thinks we are crazy. Did one extra hill (for 10 total), with the dog, as there were two half marathoners finishing off theirs, so we kept them company.

Thursday: Noon - If its Raining, I am getting in the pool, otherwise 10K recovery run
:Evening - Spinervals at home
OK, it didnt rain, but I still went and got in the pool. spent around 45 minutes at it, just trying various strokes, and trying to calm down in the water. I get breathing too hard. I was beat, and did not do any workout in the evening.

Friday - Its a stat holiday: 4x1m@Interval with 90 seconds recovery, and I will see if I can get Geoff interested in these.....
I ended up starting the day with a private swimming lesson. Learned two things, I can't take a deep breath with one arm stretched over my head (so perhaps I should learn either how to do it, or how to deal with it), and that my kick really sucks. OK, I knew my kick sucks, but last lesson, it was not the most important thing. We didn't work on much other than the kick, as it will cause so many problems that the other parts are not important.

Then, at noon, I met with Geoff and Rob to do Intervals, at I pace. For me, this works out to 4:16/KM pace. Since I talked them both into doing these, right before we started, it was mentioned "I hate you". :-) As usual, the first one was too fast, as I was almost able to keep up to Rob, and he should be finishing almost 30 seconds faster than me. We were ahead of two cyclists, and I heard a comment at the end of the mile "they are running faster than we are cycling". The second was almost as fast, but still felt good. The third one sucked hard, and lost pace like crazy, but Rob passed a girl on roller blades (smoking fast). The fourth was an improvement from #3 for me. Can't say that I like intervals, but I like how they make me feel afterwards.

Saturday - Swim + bike (outside!) This is sort of a recovery day...
Took Helen swimming, did a number of lengths of kick drills, got some good burn going, about 6 lengths of front crawl, some more with the swim buoys, and about 4 lengths of breast stroke. All in all, about an hour of good fun.

Went for a 2.5 hour bike ride, covering about 40K, which included a stop at Robs place, and he joined me for the last part. At the end, my legs were jello. lets see how this works out for me on the long run sunday.

Sunday: LSD - 32K - Ugh, I will pay for this having not done much running in Vegas. We are doing a point-to-point run to Bowness park, so I have to be in bowness at 7:30 AM. Was a little late, but no problem. We were back to glenmore in time, and Rob, Geoff, myself and Rob's workmate Shawn came out for the run. Rob's coach advised him that 32K was out of the question for him, so he ran for only 60 minutes total with us. We ran with the lead pace group, looking to set a 6:00 minute pace. The 32K was as tough as I thought, the most difficult part being around the 24K mark. Weather was perfect for it. Geoff had some hip problems coming out of the Talisman Center, but got it back together for the rest of the run. We finished in 3.5 hours, which was right on pace.

So my weeks total distance looks to be 67K, and spent 14.5 hours training this week.