Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Vive la Resistance! Wednesdays workout

Resistance training today. Lindsay has been reading the instruction manuals again. Ended up by myself, with my training partner recommending to her that 'she go really hard on me, since I was by myself'.

First Grouping:
  • 3 sets of 20 chest press using the long straps on the weight cage, You lean forward at about a 45 degree angle, and they end up kinda like pushups. You can adjust the difficulty by how far back you place your feet. We ended up going farther back each set.
  • 3 sets of 30 pullups using the straps. These are somewhat like body rows, knees bent, leaning back, and pull upwards.
  • Deadlifts - 45 lb bar, with 15lb on each side (75 lbs total).
  • One legged squats to the bench. On one foot, other extended forward, lower bum to the bench and up. Knee does not go over toe, so that you are extending bum outward as you lower.
Second grouping, we mized it up a bit more to allow for recovery time of the muscles:
  • Planks on the BOSU, holding for 2 minutes the first time, then 90 seconds after. Did the roll to the side, and raise one arm after 80 seconds of holding.
  • Shoulder press, 1 set with 15lb bells (15 reps), then 2 more sets with 17.5 lbs, only made it to 12 each time.
  • Lat pulldowns. First set of 15 with 85lbs, then adjusted form so that I was pulling bar all the way down to chest, 2 sets at 70lbs (15 reps)
  • Did one set up hip work, where you start hands on floor, one foot outside hands, other foot extended backwards. Now switch, jumping to new position. Again. for a count of 20.
  • Back extensions on the BOSU. You lay across the bosu, and raise your upper body as high as you can, then lower. Do that 15 times.

Then lots of stretching, working the hips to stretch them out. Good workout!

Evening run, got together with Geoff, and we did our 10K of fartleks. We picked up another runner, Sandy, who is also training for marathons. it was good, called three or 4 farts, mixed it up a bit, threw in some strides, multi-gear shift up and downs.

We also met up with Ken Hill, he of the six-in-sixty fame ( He will be running Calgary as well, and was just back from Boston. For a now 61 year old guy, he is amazing, and I hope to be running marathons that fast in another 16 years as well.

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