Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday Apr 21

I went out at lunch and ground out 10 repeats of 800M at Repeat pace, which is 4:16ish/Km, or about 3:20 for the 800 meters. It turns out that these intervals have a nickname, Yasso 800s, named after Bart Yasso, who is a senior editor for Runners World Magazine. The theory is that you do your intervals at a pace parallel to your marathon pace. In my case, for a 3:20 marathon, run your 800s in 3:20.

I got 10 of them done, and much like doing milers, the first ones feel good, the middle ones suck and then the last really feel like work. And they really felt like work.

The evening swim felt really good, like all the instruction was starting to click. Still using the pull buoy, but my form is improving.

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