Thursday, July 7, 2016

Swimming Lake Bonavista - with Bruce and Nathalie Hagel

Good and weird swim tonight.  We swam 3800m, so we have now done an Ironman distance swim.  The rest of the swim training to the race is gravy, We know we can do the distance, now just to make it wreck us less before going for a bike ride.

Bruce was much faster than I was tonight.  It made me wonder what I was doing wrong, but the garmin indicates that my swim time was not outside of normal.  I think the moving time on the garmin is wrong, and our actual moving time (swimming time) was more like 1:25.  That is a fast ironman swim for us, probably because of the rest breaks, where you get no rest in the actual race.

Being slower than Bruce today really made me focus on my technique, stroke to stroke, trying to keep it perfect (heh) or getting closer to it.  I was tired by the last leg, and glad to be done.

Tomorrow is a long bike ride, which will really test my recover.

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