Sunday, July 24, 2016

Haddon Hustle KOM, or The Last ride of Jake The Snake

I finally grabbed the KOM for Haddon Hustle, on my trusty steed, Jake the Snake.  I hurt a lot to do this, but really only for the last minute.   It was awesome!

After this ride, Jake the Snake got stolen, reported to the police and insurance, appraised and paid out by adjuster, found and recovered by police 2 days later, and cheque returned in the week.

Need to replace Garmin Sensor, and the front brakes, for some odd reason.

Glad its back, I love riding this bike.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Swimming Lake Bonavista - with Bruce and Nathalie Hagel

Good and weird swim tonight.  We swam 3800m, so we have now done an Ironman distance swim.  The rest of the swim training to the race is gravy, We know we can do the distance, now just to make it wreck us less before going for a bike ride.

Bruce was much faster than I was tonight.  It made me wonder what I was doing wrong, but the garmin indicates that my swim time was not outside of normal.  I think the moving time on the garmin is wrong, and our actual moving time (swimming time) was more like 1:25.  That is a fast ironman swim for us, probably because of the rest breaks, where you get no rest in the actual race.

Being slower than Bruce today really made me focus on my technique, stroke to stroke, trying to keep it perfect (heh) or getting closer to it.  I was tired by the last leg, and glad to be done.

Tomorrow is a long bike ride, which will really test my recover.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Haddon Hustle - yeah, I am not recovered

I was 32 seconds slower than my PR.  I help fairly good speed on the first half, although slightly slower than the record.  Then just died after about a minute, and had a hard time even keeping 30kmh.

So I am still fatigued.  I took it a bit easier during weights, and on the ride home, and an easy evening social run to keep from stiffening up.

Swim tomorrow, we are doing the distance.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Longest swim this training cycle, 3.2k with Bruce Hagel

We have been having Tornado warnings and thunderstorm for several days now, and today looked like it was going to cancel our swim.  Bruce texted to say that he was going to run instead, because the weather was still ugly in the afternoon.  at 5pm, he  He texted to invite for a swim RFN, so I got repacked (equipment still spread out from GWN), and got to the lake in 20 minutes.

Nathalie Hagel accompanied us in a kayak, nice to have the backup.

Our plan was for a 3k swim, and its now 2 days after GWN.  The first leg to the island felt comfortably hard.  leg north didn't feel as good, couldn't decide what, if anything was wrong.  After recovering, we headed out on the first 1k leg,  It started to feel relaxed and comfortable about half way through this lap.  Bruce was still way faster.

On the last leg, Nathalie headed in to get on with the evening, and Bruce and I headed out.  At the beginning, this felt very easy and strong, and I really wanted to know what I was doing right. we ended up at the next three checkpoints (north, island, shore) at about the same time.

I did start to feel some fatigue at the last leg of the swim, but it was not significant.

It appears that I needed to swim just over 1000m, with breaks, in order to shake off the fatigue of the weekend.  What it really did was take that long to get everything properly firing, and getting my technique back sort of in order.  My brain was being hard on me, doubting my swimming ability and question whether I really had maintained or improved my technique in the off-season.

In trying to measure my recovery, I would say that I am comfortably tired, as after a good days training, but not feeling any deeper fatigue.  The bike ride in the morning will be the real test, with the Strava segment "Haddon Hustle", a 2 minute time trial after about 5-10 minutes of warmup.  2 minutes of effort is not enough to hamper recovery if I am still fatigued.

My progression for open water swims this year has been

1 - 800m
2 - 1600m
3 - 1900m  (GWN)
4 - 3200m

and 5 will be 4200m.   We will try to get 4 swims of at least this distance in before I go to Calgary 70.3 and Bruce goes to Ironman Canada - Whistler.