Sunday, November 9, 2008

About Me

I was thinking originally of doing this blog somewhat anonymously, but I am finding that it makes it harder for me to write. Sooo, I need to tell you a little bit about myself.

I am a self-described, late-onset athlete. After being quite serious about being a smoker for nearly 20 years, after quitting I found myself lured to running, and have become quite hooked.

I now run Marathons, as well as half and 10k races as well. I found that my 10K times had plateaued, until I started training for half-marathons. I then found those times did not drop until I trained for a marathon.

As I get more into this running thang, I find myself attracted to the science view of running, as I am a science geek at heart. Looking into the research that is being done into aspects of running, and seeing how that compares to what I am experiencing as I train is likely to be the majority of my blog posts, but this is good, as it gives me an easy place to find all my research.

Heres hoping that you find something of interest here.

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