Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wicked Sunday Run....

Got my last long run before the race today. I was planning on doing between 34 and 38k, the intent being to better simulate the race. I was given a workout by my buddy rob, one that he was given leading up to his great vegas race last year. Heres the workout:
  1. 8 miles easy
  2. 8 miles @ marathon pace
  3. 1 mile @ threshold
  4. 4 miles @marathon
  5. 1 mile @threshold
  6. 1 mile @marathon
I would like to say that I completed that, but its not the case. Halfway through step 2 is the turnaround on the out-and-back, I and think I took too long on the bathroom break, cooled down too much. I was able to do marathon pace for the first 4 miles, but it was really hard to get to it after the turnaround. I picked it up to threshold for one mile (yeah me!). The next 4 miles were not near marathon pace, as I had to stop and stretch many times. I also took 2 advil in this step, and it eventually worked really well :-)

I think the one good thing I can take away from this run is that I was still able to run for steps 5 and 6. I held threshold pace for step 5, until I got to Snake Hill. After a bit of a walk, I then ran on mile at marathon pace. The last time I ran the 37k, I ended up walking for the last 3-4, as I hurt too much. So its getting easier for me to run these distances, which bodes well for my race in two weeks.

Rob successfully completed this workout, then went to run a 3:13 at vegas. I didn't quite complete it, and am aiming for my Boston Qualifier at Las Vegas, with a 3:30 run.

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