Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Las Vegas Marathon - 2010 - Rock and Roll Baby

This is going to be a short race report.

I had the pleasure of running part of the race with Scott Jurek, ultra-endurance runner extraordinaire. I had seen him the day before at the fitness fair, and had read an article about him in Runners World, so I recognized him. I had made a few comments about the race to him, and chatted a bit. I then said that it was rare that, running the pace we were running, the he wanted to talk at all, and that everyone was so focused. He immediately apologized for sucking up my oxygen! My response, oh no not at all, and if he would let me, I would talk his ear off during the race.

What was nice about talking to him is that we kept the pace up. Usually when I get to talking, the pace falls off, and then when I recognize it, i really have to make up time. So that made the first half just seem to fly past.

I believe that my time for the first half was 1:40, so I am right on track to my 3:20. Then the second have hit. When you round the corner, you see the first hill, which is the freeway overpass. Its not a bad hill, its just psychological. but it looks big. and it feels hard. I slow down.

The second half was tough. lots of trying to keep pushing, but not keeping it up for long.

I finished in 3:28:27, so in reality, I ran the second half in 1:48, which is a decent half-marathon time. I had higher hopes. It is only 13 seconds slower than my PR, a race in which I ran the last 7K at threshold pace. There was no threshold pace to finish off this race.

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